Art By
Crystal creates specially charged amulets and talismans. She charges stones for certain situations and can create a special crystal grids for businesses. Everything we touch, see, or even hear is energy and depending on what energy emanate, it creates a certain electromagnetic field around itself and in order for situations or places to change energy it has to be the right electromagnetic force around that area.
When Crystal charges these pieces she uses special mantras and Energy of the Divine to give different frequencies to every piece of art so that it will change and emanate vibrations in environment where the art piece will stay.
After a session with Crystal you can inquire about her custom art pieces and she will ensure that you receive the pieces that will serve as a powerful tool and companion straight from the divine. These tools can be photos, paintings, amulets, crystals, talismans, and lucky charms to help you be in best vibrational alignment with yourself and benefit you in all areas of your life.
To place your order, please plan to have a 15 minute free pre-talk with Crystal to determine what type of art will suit your situation in the best way.
Whether it's working in the psyche, heading her Reiki school, facilitating healings, leading trainings, or expressing her artistic talents, Crystal possesses the Goddess touch.
Crystal is an incredible artist that creates different forms of art and energetically charged pieces to give to her clients and businesses. Each piece is carefully thought out, channeled, and charged depending on what her client needs.

These are just some of the examples of art Crystal has created for her clients, and friends.
The following piece is a painting that Crystal created with her own meditation and breath work through the help of her divine guides. She created a special frequency with liquid gold light to deliver healing to everyone who is exposed to it.
By looking at this picture you are automatically receiving healing energy and it will help you in difficulties in your life.