Janet Doerr, Medical Intuitive and Master Energy Healer
Crystal brings her powerful, JOY-filled presence to all of her work.
I have had several sessions with Crystal. She opens a space for higher-dimensional awareness and healing using protocols she has remembered from her timelines as a Priestess and many lifetimes in mastery.
Crystal holds a very clear channel to receive specific messages and insights from the higher realms which have supported quick shifts in my energy.
I have attended many of Crystal’s Kundalini healing workshops and had many deep releases of energy. I have also developed greater mastery of moving the light in my being with her teachings and instruction.
Crystal joined the Bless All Life Council where I am a founding member and has blessed our Council’s sessions with many contributions of teaching, sound healing, leading ceremonies, and sharing her powerful insights and awareness.
I highly recommend working with Crystal if you have been drawn here to learn more about her work and profound gifts of service.
EmmaRay Kumara
My testimonial for Crystal is twofold. The first is for the amazing contributions and teaching that she has made to our Bless All Life Council calls, sharing her sacred wisdom through teachings of sacred symbols, mudras, and other multidimensional knowledge, all complimented by her powerful soul essence. Crystal is a blessing to the Bless All Life Council in a myriad of ways!
On a more personal note, I have so much to be grateful regarding my one-on-one session with Crystal. Being a walk-in who has been on a bit of a bumpy road for a bit, her abilities to view and read my Field enabled her to share with me awareness from levels that until that time I had not been accessing consciously. Since that time I have had a much stronger conscious relationship with my Light Council and other members of my soul family. My gratitude runs deep. Thank you Crystal for being a part of my world!
~ Emmaray Kumara - The Nature Whisperer
Dr. Nancy Q
Crystal is a gifted healer. She has been helping and in service for the greater good for many many years.
I have experienced very deep healing and growth in working with Crystal.
Crystal has a strong connection with her sprint guides and is able to channel healing in a very powerful way to help us shift our consciousness and our lives. She was able to guide and help me release lifetimes of Karmic energy that no longer served me. Sessions with Crystal helps me live my life more fully and in my power.
Michelle H.
After my 1st reading with Crystal, I felt very light.
I heard confirmation of many senses of myself that I had had in the past. I thought I knew which was my power animal, she confirmed it and much more.
After the 2nd reading, I had a sense of an incredible healing energy field. I had a deep sense of wellbeing.
This is a reading for me to listen to on an ongoing basis. I am certain I will continue to get healing from it for some time to come. There are layers to this healing I look forward to replaying it and listening again. I am certain there are some pearls I did not hear the first time.
The sense of wellness, clarity, and Wholeness had brought a comfort to it.
I have spent a lifetime feeling like I had been doing my ancestral karmic penance. This session released me from that. Released me from my karma from previous lives and ancestors also.
This is a time reset and growth. To be told to focus on my growth beginning of August to the end of September on my growth is essential to me. It was very good & helpful to know It is that a Special time of year, (every year) that is specifically good for me to focus on my growth.
I have always felt great affection for this time of year. Now I know why.
Crystal has helped me to hear my guides' messages which have empowered me!
Crystal's gifts feel clean, pure, and true. She is a gifted conduit and translator to helping me to be my best me!
Thank you so much for what you do! You are such a gift!
Karen K.
I wanted to take a few minutes and thank you for the profound reading that you did for me today. You did your homework, and you have excellent guides. The reading was beneficial and clarified things that were mysteries, even to me. I walked away with a much clearer understanding of all the lessons I have worked on.
What was of particular interest to me is that you picked up that at the soul level, my essence is love. From the time that I was old enough to put words together, my understanding of myself is that I was made for love. My mission/ gift is to love others, in as many and varied ways as possible, in this Human Experience, without judgment or expectation of reward. Thank you for reminding me of my soul's purpose. I understand that loving others does require discernment, boundaries, and safety. Even the dark need love sent their way, and your reading reminded me that I know how to do this without arousing their interest or attention - not everyone does.
I have struggled with the need for freedom/independence/autonomy and the need for love/intimacy/relationship. The reading clarified why this is. I feel for the first time that it may be possible to have a balance of both.
I will be recommending your services to anyone who appears to be open to them. As a gift to Michelle and myself, I purchased the package, as you suggested. I look forward to more insights in future reading.
Thank you again,
With love and light
Rita Heap
Rita Heap
Over fifteen years ago I met Crystal. She stood out in a crowd. A beautiful, sincere and honest person, a great teacher, a powerful clairvoyant Healer with Great integrity, she combined ancient knowledge with modern technologies to achieve magical and transformational results!
Helping others was her great desire. We immediately started to work together.
As a Life long Jin Shin Juitsy Master, I found greater results working together with Crystal.
Our mutual sessions would bring better, faster, and deeper results.
As a visionary, she could see the past, the present, and the future quite clearly. She could also see when there were physical and emotional issues in a person, and skillfully address and heal the issues.
Always opening up to Divine guidance from a Higher Source, continually in touch with her Guides, channeling endless and accurate information from them.
Many times there would be something out of balance in myself. The phone would ring, and there was Crystal with an immediate feeling about it, and suggestion on how to help from a distance.
Always succeeding at figuring what to do to relieve whatever was disturbing me,
be it mental or physical.
I am so grateful to know, and work with Crystal!
Rita Heap
Anna V.
I want to tell you about my recent session with Crystal. This session has changed my life. I
came to Crystal when I felt my lowest and saw no way out of my situation or state of mind. Not only was Crystal very accurate about things that were going on in my life, but she shared very unique wisdom and insight into how my own behavior could have caused the things that were happening. This would've never occurred to me. She was able to use hypnosis on me although I was told previously and numerous times that I don't succumb to hypnosis. After this unusual session, I felt so different, like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I also had a cough of unknown origin for two months and that was gone in a single hour!
Crystal also provided a plan for me that helped me change and correct what no longer served me and brought the best out instead. I could go on and on listing the things that changed drastically after this reading but all I want to say that Crystal really saved my life.
I truly feel like a different person and eternally grateful to her for helping me.
Fran H.
Crystal is someone I have come to depend on and admire. Her coaching has been invaluable and her insights have enabled me to develop my best potential. Because of her spiritual practice and Soul Codes, I have been able to move forward, open my heart and realize what is truly important. It’s her guidance that has allowed me to look into my core to grasp and understand my finest capacity.
It is a great pleasure and honor to study when such a beautiful being of light!
Rachel R.
The work that Crystal does is an absolute miracle. In any crowd, she is the idol and people flock to her because they are amazed at what she does. She is a highly renowned healer and shaman. She has a gift and ability to work with EVERYONE on a deeper spiritual level to connect them to source and heal things from the inside out. A traditional therapist or doctor wants you to come in weekly and talk about your problems, or take drugs to 'fix' them. Crystal goes straight to the root issue and brings the problems to the light.
I highly recommend her hypnosis sessions, healing work, and channeling. Just by being in her presence, you may find yourself healing in ways you never thought could happen. Do not hesitate to work with her because you WILL be amazed at the things you will learn and the light that is shed onto your life. Crystal has become not only a friend to me, but also a sister. I would HIGHLY recommend working with her any opportunity you get.
Rena V.
I've been under Crystal's healing hands for a while now, she has helped me come a long way. I had numerous healing Hypnotherapy sessions and coaching sessions in which deliberated me into feeling free & light!
What a relief! I had so many fears to deal with that kept me hostage, but working with crystal showed me exactly the point of the origin of my maladies... I even had a session on my weight & how to combat my eating disorders, I now look at food in a new light&eat in moderation without excessive cravings! I can't express how thankful I am for finding her!
I would absolutely recommend her for any ailment! She is truly a being of light!

After the first few moments of entering Crystals sacred space, I knew I was in for a ride.. I felt healing almost instantly in her presence and was able to communicate with my spirit guides while advancing my metaphysical abilities. AMAZING!
In Just ONE Session I Felt An Immediate Shift And A HUGE Lift From My Shoulders That Had Been There For 23 Years! She is great with her work and has hundreds of clients who demand her time. So if you get the chance-- DON'T TURN IT DOWN!
I have been working with Crystal for years. She has saved many lives, and healed hundreds of people while advancing her students in their abilities. There isn't a single thing in the spiritual world that she CANNOT DO. Simply a pleasure to work with.

Crystal is an incredible person, teacher, and shaman. She was able to tell me things about myself that not many people know. I did a channeling session with her and I was amazed at the knowledge she was able to acquire about me.
I'm a total skeptic. But after working with Crystal I have heard and seen things I cannot explain... Things I would have never believed to be true. She truly is a gift from God.
I always feel energetic and exited after working with Crystal. There is never a time I do not learn something about myself when she works with me.

I've done several sound and Reiki healings with Crystal. She always seems to know what I need and where I need it at! She not only works on your physical body, but can also see what going on in your heart and energy bodies as well.
WHAT A CRAZY EXPERIENCE! Sessions with Crystal are not comparable to any other traditional medicine practices I've ever experienced, however they are much more effective and healing!
Anyone who has the chance with Crystal ABSOLUTELY should! She is a savvant with energy and she will give you the healing, words, and answers your soul needs to hear.

WORTH EVERY PENNY. Althoguh the sessions seemed pricey at first, after my first session I realized i was getting an amazing deal. The miracles Crystal performs are priceless and I will absolutely be working with her in the future.
WOW! I just finished my hynotherapy session with Crystal and I found out things from my childhood that have been holding me back in my adult life. She cleared them up and now I feel free from the past. I wish i would've found her YEARS ago!
I love Crystals weekly meditations and Kundalini classes. I always feel so great and energetic after a class with Crystal and it sets my entire week up for success!

Crystal is a gem and if you have an opportunity to work with her take it!
I've been seeing her for a long time and I am magically starting to feel so different even before and immediately after her session. She brings brightness in your life and always has mysterious ways to help in any difficult situation in my life.
My Results Were INSTANT… I Could Feel The Shifts In My Energy Immediately And Now I have no anxiety and I can live my life with confidence!”
My Session Was SPOT ON. Crystal knew exactly what I needed and was able to get Straight To The Core Of The Issue! She is strong, confident, and always gets the job done no matter how hard, or haw hard it may be. She is not your average therapist and you will NOT have average results.

In Just 1 Session I INSTANTLY Felt Better after Reiki with Crystal… I Started feeling better and my workouts have improved. My chronic knee pain and restless nights have DISAPPEARED! She works miracles.
After a session of Shamanic life coaching with Crustal, I am coasting through life, noticing synchronicities, and receiving Things With ZERO Effort.... AMAZING!!
It Was A Healing Journey with Crystal… I Experienced A Really DEEP Release And Relaxation! She is so great in her work and I will not go to anyone else for spiritual advice and awakening.

The experience I had working with crystal was INCREDIBLE! She gave my wife and I several healing sessions and we will not go to anyone else but her!
Crystal is a true miracle worker and she works quickly with passion, and purpose. She was able to not only help me get over my toxic relationship with myself, but she was able to heal me from my past lives! AMAAAZING!
Crystal is an absolute incredible Shaman and Therapist. I have seen her for several Past life regressions and have even done some of her workshops and hypnotherapy sessions. She can channel guides and get straight to the cause in an instant so healing and enlightenment can begin!

The Results Were INSTANT… In Just One Session Crystal cleared Me From Years OF Self Neglect & Procrastination! I have transformed my life with the help of Crystal.. Thank you so much!
If you ever have the chance to receive a session from Crystal- DO NOT pass it up! After just 1 session my chronic back pain was COMPLETELY HEALED!
I Felt The Energy Right Away From The Cord Of Golden Light… Cleared ALL My Old Energy… It was incredible.”

The EGYPTIAN SOUL MATRIX with Crystal as astounding! I learned so much about myself and my family and was able to find answers to all of my questions while clearing Karma!! INCREDIBLE AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
After just ONE Vibration Sound Therapy session with Crystal I was feeling 20 years younger and my back was instantly healed! She is a true miracle worker! SO BLESSED for the experience and I will continue to receive her sessions.
FANTASTIC! After a Akashic Records Reading and Channeling I was able to get answers to issues in my life as well as correct past Karma from my family and my relationships. From that day my eczema began to dissipate and is now COMPLETELY HEALED.